It was about time, but with the joy of spring and sun comes the time for re-birth. Please visit my new blog at I hope to see you there!
It was about time, but with the joy of spring and sun comes the time for re-birth. Please visit my new blog at I hope to see you there!
Posted at 02:46 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
Awww! Jeg har nettopp hatt besøk av verdens skjønneste norsk-franske baby og ja, hjerte mitt banker fortsatt! Normalt er 4 uker gamle babyer vanskelige å fotografere, men vi holdte på og endelig sovnet han til slutt! Mamma Lise hadde med seg det finne teppet som hun har strikket selv - det passet perfekt! Takk for at jeg fikk fotografere lille Michel - han er NYDELIG!
Awww! I just had a visit by the world's cutest norwegian-french baby and yes, my heart is still beating! Normally 4 week olds are difficult to photograph, but we kept at it and he gave up and conked out there towards the end of the session! His mum, Lise, brought the sweetest little blanket that she hand knitted herself. It was perfect! Thank you so much for allowing me to photograph Michel! He is beautiful!
- ♥ Lisa
tags: baby fotografering | nyfødtfoto | fotograf bærum |
Posted at 07:39 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0) | nyfødtfoto | fotograf asker | fotograf oslo | fotostudio | fotograf bærum | baby fotografering _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Jeg hadde en nydelig 7 dager gammel jente på besøk i studioet på lørdag, og jeg storkoste meg! Jeg elsker barn og det er noe helt spesielt med de alle minste. De er så små og vakre - de utløser sterke følelser fra alle som kommer i kontakt med dem. Tusen takk Jessica og Espen! Den lille peanøtten var kjempeflink og det var koselig å fotografere henne!
I had a beautiful 7 day old little girl for a visit in the studio on Saturday and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! I love children and there is something completely special with these very tiny beings. They are so tiny and beautiful and they trigger such strong emotions from everyone that comes in contact with them. Thank you so much Jessica and Espen! Your little peanut was SO good and I had a great time with her photosession!
- ♥ Lisa
Posted at 12:23 AM in Nyfødtfoto | Permalink | Comments (15) | TrackBack (0)
tags: baby fotografering, nyfødt fotografering, nyfødtfoto, fotograf asker, fotograf bærum, fotograf oslo
På onsdag hadde jeg en besøk av 2 nydelige jenter i studioet. Stella elsker blomster og giraffen sin. Leonora elsker melk og soving :) . Vi hadde det SÅ gøy og Stella var utrolig flink - vi lekte litt, spiste litt og jeg var veldig privaligert til å høre Stella synger. Tusen takk Pernille og Henrik - dere har 2 fantastiske jenter og jeg gleder meg til å se dere igjen! Håper du er fornøyd med bildene!
I had a visit of 2 beautiful girls in the studio on Wednesday. Stella loves flowers and her giraffe. Leonora loves milk and sleep. :) We had SO much fun and Stella was fantastic - we played a little, ate a little and I was even privileged enough to hear Stella sing. Thank you so much Pernille and Henrik. You have 2 wonderful girls and I look forward to seeing you all again! I hope you enjoy your images as much as I did!
-- ♥ Lisa
Posted at 11:37 AM in Barnefoto, Nyfødtfoto | Permalink | Comments (12) | TrackBack (0)
Nå har tiden kommet til å begynne å fotografere i mitt nytt studio! :) Den offisielle kick off har ikke kommet enda, men jeg ønsker å starte året riktig og jeg kan ikke tenke om noe bedre en å fotografere de alle minste! Vi har 15 gratis fotgraferinger til å gi bort for de som har termin i jan/feb. Babyen må være 0-2 uker gammel og fotograferingen må skje i studio lokalet i Heggedal Fabrikker, Asker. Kjenner du noe som skal snart ha baby eller har en som er under 2 uker gammel? Send dette videre! Jeg gleder meg!
Hilsen - Lisa
Posted at 07:21 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
WE'RE MOVING IN!!! Fotografix Studios has signed the lease and received the keys to a beautiful 1000sq ft studio and we couldn't be MORE EXCITED!! Honestly, I'm giddy and haven't been able to stop smiling for a few days :) . The studio is located in Heggedal Fabrikk, a beatiful old building in Heggedal, Asker, which is now dedicated to artists, with it's own gallery and art school. The location, so I've been told, is TOTALLY me :) . That's nice! The studio is open by appointment only so if you would like to visit, just call or email!
We are going to need some newborn models for a project so stay tuned for more details and your chance to get a free newborn session at the new studio. 2010 is going to be a fantastic year!
- sqquuuuuueeeee! Lisa
Posted at 01:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
It is wonderful when two souls meet and make a commitment to spend the rest of their lives together. Weddings always bring me to tears. Not because I'm sad, but to witness the sheer joy of seeing two people SO incredibly in love with each other makes me feel so happy, I almost want to jump up and start dancing. A wedding day is so magical and it is impossible not to feel that raw emotion in your own heart. However, when Heidi told me that their wedding car was an antique VW bus, my own heart went THUMP THUMP and I said YES PLEASE! :)
Kjære Heidi og Endre- thank you so much for allowing me to spend the day with you! I was only slightly worried that we might have to take pictures in our wellies, but the sun gods were smiling down upon you on your wedding day. I hope your images bring back wonderful memories and make you smile, even if I made you jump in the air :) hahaha. Lykke til med ekteskapet og kjærligheten deres!
Posted at 03:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (19) | TrackBack (0)
2009 has by far been my busiest year since I started my photography business! I just wanted to thank all of my clients, my friends and co-photographers and my family for the incredible support, advice and positive feedback as I strived to find my style and my place in the photographic world. I couldn't have done it without you!
Now for a hand slapping :) . I apologize that I have been pretty non-existent on the blog! I know alot of you have been following my blog and anxious to see all the new images I have produced this year. Along with some snags in the functionality of the blog, it ended up taking a backseat in order to continue to provide all of my clients with the best customer service possible! However, I do plan on updating my blog over the next few weeks with my latest sessions from the past 6 months (which includes a crazy, fun and AWESOME bridal couple from my first wedding). So again, thank you so much for 2009 and here's to an even better 2010! Stay tuned for an INCREDIBLY exciting announcement which will really put Fotografix Studios on the map in Norway!
I will leave you with the latest image of my babies! Much love - Lisa
Posted at 12:31 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
I think Autumn is my next favorite season. Actually, maybe it's my favorite. :) The air starts to get chilly and it just smells so clean. Autumn, with it's warm subdued sunlight just epitomizes comfort to me. Comfort in the form of good, wholesome food. Comfort in that we all snuggle just a bit closer to get our feet warm. Comfort in the fact that we can go outside without getting eaten up by mosquitoes. :)
In terms of photography, autumn presents so many beautiful chances to capture something special. This photoshoot was no different! William is a typical toddler full of curiosity and energy. The formula for getting them to sit still long enough for you to run over make them smile, run back, get in position, click the shutter and get them in focus is something only a rocket scientist can perfect. :) But I think we did just fine!
Tusen takk Morten og Linnea - William er en liten gulgutt og jeg hadde det veldig gøy sammen med dere. Jeg håper du liker bildene dine!
- ♥ Lisa
Posted at 10:40 PM | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
I can't tell you how excited I got when one of my clients said 'I have access to a farm, will that work for pictures?' UMMM....YA! If I had the opportunity, I would buy a farm and turn it into my studio all year round. I'm so not kidding! The textures, the landscape, the's ALL perfect for fun, artistic photos. So, imagine my excitment when I was contacted from France to book a family session on a farm in Norway. I couldn't have imagined a nicer setting and the images are some of my faves! Here are a few (ok LOTS) of them.
Thank you so much to all of you Benedikte, I had a wonderful time playing with the boys and I do think you grew up in paradise!!
- ♥ Lisa
Posted at 11:36 PM | Permalink | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)